About 3 days ago, while driving in the car, Jordyn says to me, "Mom, one time, we all need to call Jesus on the phone, together and ask him to make a rainbow in here!" I thought that was a great idea and explained to her how we don't need to call him on the phone because when we pray, he hears us!
Yesterday, while playing with the kids, I looked outside at the gray clouds and sent up a little prayer. It went something like this, " God, it really would be awesome if you put a rainbow up for Jordyn, since she wanted to ask you for one."
Last night, while driving in the car, talking to my husband, he asked if I saw the rainbow. Stopped at a light, I looked back to my right and there it was... Jordyn's Rainbow! I couldn't get a picture of it for the blog but I'll always have the memory :(
Thank you, Jesus!!!