Grandma and Grandpa go to China

This blog is dedicated to those we love that desire to stay in contact with our crazy life!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Big Announcement!!

You see many examples throughout scripture that describe accounts where people were called by God to leave their land, their families, their friends, their comfort, their shelter, and fully rely on the trust and faith they have in God to fulfill a certain task.  Some examples come to mind; the disciples, Jonah, and Abram.  Never did Helen or I think we would be called or qualified to be put on that list.  To uproot our family, leaving our house, family, friends, comfort, and shelter to fulfill a certain task.  Our thought was we’d be stationary, work normal secure jobs, live in the same state and proximity where we grew up, plugged into a church where we would serve within a ministry, close to family and long-time friends.  You know, just like many other Christians.  Well, these past 6 months have been confirmation that God has other plans. 
Realistically, things slowly started about 4 years ago when I felt a calling to undergo a change of careers and transition from Architecture to youth speaking.  Some of you may already know about that passion and desire.  But for those that don’t, while I was a youth pastor I had come across some advertisements for youth speaking.  “Youth Speaking” would consist of traveling near and far, allowing God to use the gift of communication to speak purpose and hope into teenagers through church functions, schools, conferences, and any other avenues God provides.  With a lot of research, prayers, life confirmations, and conversations with friends and family, we decided that I would step down from the youth ministry and start a new path with full time speaking as the end goal.  Unfortunately, due to the lack of personal commitment and financial burdens for the past 4 years, that end goal has yet to be achieved.   This is something that has always been heavy on both Helen’s and my heart.  To know what God desires of you and not obey should really put a heavy burden on anybody’s heart if they have a true passion to live for him.  And with that heavy heart, Helen and I have come to a realization, these past 6 months, something has to change. 
What I thought was a life full of comfort and security, was truly a life full of narcissism and disobedience.   Seems a little too harsh?  Well, I think a full examination of what your life consists of can do that to you.   Not saying that there wasn’t any “good” in our lives, but “good” is not our desire.  Our focus as a family is to have a “righteous” and “obedient” life.  And of course, based on scripture, when we are a righteous and obedient family, God will bless us with a “GREAT” life; both here on Earth and with him in eternity.  So after seeing our life for what it was, a false façade full of doubt and fear, we both agreed that changes had to be done in order for our life to be in line with where Christ wants us.
So after much prayer, research, and conversations, we knew what changes need to occur.  One was that we had to move out of California.  Not only to avoid the 91 freeway (even though that has value) but to get out of our “comfortable.”  We realized that we were using the life we were comfortable with as an excuse for not pursuing what we know we should be doing.  We are firm believers that sometimes God switches things up in order for us to be uncomfortable, which requires us to move in the direction he wants us.   There were also other factors that led to this decision, including, the cost of living, present and futures laws and regulations, temptations to continue Architecture instead of speaking, financial freedom, over population, and way of life.   We realized that what we desire for our family was not obtainable here in California.  The second change was the full commitment to pursue a speaking career, closing A+ Design and my journey down the Architecture road.  Helen will continue to sell Lularoe, so make sure to keep posted on her sales. J  These two major changes were not easy to admit and commit to, and we’re not sure their outcomes, but we are striving to do our best when it comes to being obedient to God and raising our children the best we know how.  So it’s time for the McNiel family to pack up and begin this journey with God to Prattville, Alabama.
Although there is excitement for this new journey filled with wonder of how God is going to use us mightily for his kingdom, this move brings on sadness because of how this departure will affect existing relationships we have developed here.  Whether family, colleagues, clients, or friends, we know this decision will make you all feel some sadness (or at least we’d hope so). J  But we ask that you keep in mind that this decision is not based on our desire to escape from relationships or that relationships here in Southern Calilfornia are not worth staying for, but rather to understand that our family’s relationship with Christ is above all.   We will miss you all and hope that distance will not hinder us from staying connected and in relationship.  Come to think of it, why not head out there with us? haha
We are hoping, with this decision, God will bless our obedience and use our family in a mighty way in Alabama.  We ask for prayer and support for this new journey.  This is for His glory and not ours.  We are also hoping it will encourage everyone to be in constant communication with God, and seek him first; above all!  Heck, maybe our move will be the starting point to your new journey outside of your “comfortable.”   May you be obedient and righteous in your relationship with Christ and may He bless you as He has blessed us!  If you would like to continue to be connected with our journey we will be posting periodically here, so subscribe!  And if you would like to talk in more detail about this, we would love to share more with you.  Just contact us and we can set something up. 
We love you all and will miss you from 2,000 miles away!